Periodic Products, Inc.

Sarasota,  FL 
United States
  • Booth: 3026

Periodic Products makes CuLator, Super Start-up & FillFast!

CuLator® Metal Eliminator & Stain Preventer removes rust, iron, copper, and manganese from pools and spas. It's easy and non-toxic. Additional products include FillFast Metal Remover and Water Pre-Filter for metal free and stain free pools; and Super Start-Up Sequester which quickly removes plaster dust. New for 2025! CuLator Metal Indicator Tabs! Use a color-changing tab in each pool to identify which metals are present in the water and help you sell more CuLator Metal Eliminator!

Brands: CuLator Metal Eliminator, CuLator Ultra 4.0, Super Start-Up Sequestering Agent, and FillFast Pre-Filters.